Blogs & Articles

2024 Market and Economic Outlook

2024 Market and Economic Outlook

By Mike Mess, CFO, CEPA and Mike Collopy, CFP®, CIMA® We invite you to join Veracity Capital CEO Kevin S. Gray and CFO Mike Mess for our 2024 Market Outlook. In this video, we offer our insights regarding three main themes for this year:   Messy Middle: We believe...

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Wishing You Happy Holidays From Our Team!

Wishing You Happy Holidays From Our Team!

Happy Holidays from our team at Veracity Capital! The past year has certainly had its ups and downs, but we are always grateful to have clients like you. We appreciate your trust in us and the opportunity to provide exceptional service. It is our goal to help you feel...

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Is Cash King?

Is Cash King?

By Mike Collopy, CFP®, CIMA® The headlines continue to highlight the uncertainty and weakness of the economy. The list of reasons includes but is not limited to; inflation, mortgage rates, union strikes, our country’s divisive politics, China, war, and the list goes...

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Year-End Planning Opportunities

Year-End Planning Opportunities

With year-end rapidly approaching and the holiday season drawing near, the fast-paced routine of everyday life can easily consume our attention. However, amid the hustle and bustle, it is imperative not to lose sight of valuable planning opportunities which have the...

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Q4 2023 Market Outlook Video

Q4 2023 Market Outlook Video

By Mike Mess, CFO, CEPA and Mike Collopy, CFP®, CIMA® Despite one of the most anticipated recessions in U.S. history, we sit here halfway through the year defying those predictions! We invite you to watch the following video in which partner and wealth advisor Mike...

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Q3 2023 Market Outlook Video

Q3 2023 Market Outlook Video

By Mike Mess, CFO, CEPA and Mike Collopy, CFP®, CIMA® Despite one of the most anticipated recessions in U.S. history, we sit here halfway through the year defying those predictions! We invite you to watch the following video in which partner and wealth advisor Mike...

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